Paperless Wedding – Couples Homepage

Paperless Wedding – Couples Homepage

We have some exciting news for you all. We launched back in September with our beta site. Over the last 4 months we have been making improvements, listening to feedback and this week we did a bit of overhaul of the couples homepage.  There is now a place to go and see...
Wedding Traditions – Changing your name?

Wedding Traditions – Changing your name?

To change or not to change name, that is the question I am posing in today’s blog. This is a long standing tradition that a woman changes her name to that of her partner.  It is so funny when lots of couples opt for a traditional wedding but then buck the trend...
Happy Valentines Day!!

Happy Valentines Day!!

Happy Valentines Day!! What are you up to today? Planning your big day or taking the chance to spend some quality time with one another? Mr T and I (plus a two year old and 7 month bump!) are planning a bit of romance.  I am sure like many of your men out there, the...
Eco Tips – Wedding Cakes that are green!

Eco Tips – Wedding Cakes that are green!

Photo: Wedding at New week and a new month! The month of romance, I hope you have something nice planned. This months Eco themed post I wanted to look at the Eco Wedding cake.  My husband, declared the other evening, that there was no...
Traditions – Dress colour

Traditions – Dress colour

“Married in white, you will have chosen all right. Married in grey , you will go far away. Married in black, you will wish yourself back. Married in red, you’ll wish yourself dead. Married in blue, you will always be true. Married in pearl, you’ll live in a...
Competition time!

Competition time!

What a busy month we are having as everyone starts 2015 planning their weddings.  It has been great seeing so many sign ups, save the dates and websites being created. So to say thank you, we are going to give one lucky couple a FREE package. Sign Up to Paperless...