We have some exciting news for you all. We launched back in September with our beta site. Over the last 4 months we have been making improvements, listening to feedback and this week we did a bit of overhaul of the couples homepage. There is now a place to go and see what you have done, what needs doing and updates on RSVP’s and if any comments or photos have been added. This will be launched on MONDAY!!!
We have improved the menu navigation on the right of the page and given you a percentage of how complete the site is.
The biggest changes are that we have created an area that you can see what needs doing and what has been done. You can quickly access each area that needs completing by clicking edit or add. There is also an new area where you can see who has replied and uploaded photos. It also shows what you have done, for example changing the theme.
We have also removed the step process and streamlined the set up to make it quicker and easier. For those on the site already, this won’t affect you but for new sign ups it will. Try it out here.
The other section that has had big improvements is the “Our Pages” part of the site. This is where you can add additional pages for example: accommodation, things to do, engagement stories or a whose who on the big day. It is a chance to make the site more personal to you. You can update these pages right up to the big day, so your wedding guests know exactly what is happening.
We have also given options to reorder the menu on the guest site and switch on and off pages according to your requirements. So if you don’t want a guestbook or a gallery you don’t have to have them!
The Gallery, Guestbook and Gifts have been split out into their own tabs.
The Gallery can have multiple albums. You can preview photos your guests upload and then publish them on the site. You can also download the galleries to your desktop too, so no photo will be lost!
You can now add text to the top of your guestbook page to make it that bit more personal. You can preview comments before publishing them to the book and when everyone has commented you can download all the comments and keep them.
We think that this will really help you navigate the site and keep you up to date with everything that is happening. Do let us know what you think once we launch on MONDAY!
Happy planning