Real Wedding – Karen and Rob

Real Wedding – Karen and Rob

This months real wedding was the marriage of a stunning red headed Aussie chick to a tall dark handsome English man. I am proud to say they are friends, but sad to say I missed the wedding.  Luckily though I did get to see the fantastic photos, which I am going to...
E is for Eco Weddings and Sustainability

E is for Eco Weddings and Sustainability

Our Alphabet inspired Wedding blog posts this week looks at Eco Weddings and Sustainability. I did share an article this week on Facebook about an Australian Nutritionist having a very Eco wedding that even included a pre wedding Yoga Session for guests. If you are...
B is for Bouquet

B is for Bouquet

For my alphabet blog series, B has already thrown up so many options to go for! Bride is the obvious one, band (wedding or gold!), banquet, but I am going for bouquet. I went for a traditional bouquet of flowers with Freesias, vintage Roses and Ivy. This is a photo of...