Paperless Wedding Tip – Website Only

Paperless Wedding Tip – Website Only

Have you already set your heart on a beautiful paper invitation? I don’t blame you at all, as paper invitations can be amazing and a lovely keepsake. I also love them landing through letterbox. So even though I do promote all things “Green”...

Theme of the Month – Vineyard

I can see it now, the sun is shining, laughter in the air and a nice cold glass of white wine is in my hand. I have been lucky enough to attend a few vineyard weddings and they are a fantastic location for a wedding.  We were actually in New Zealand and then...

Wedding Traditions – The Wedding Ring

My blog on the tradition of the wedding dress colour was very popular, so now I am going to look into the traditions behind the wedding ring. The purpose of engagement rings and wedding bands is to convey deep emotions of eternal love, eternal happiness, eternal...
Paperless Wedding Tip – Website Only

Paperless Wedding Tip – Guestbook

I love Facebook, maybe a little too much my husband might say!  I am often posting photos and commenting.  When we set up Paperless Wedding, we knew a guestbook would be needed to allow people to leave the couple messages, or to communicate to the wider wedding group...